Work > 2020-2018 / Remains

Come Away
Charcoal and conte on Paper
39x45 - inches
O Human Child
Charcoal and conte on Paper
39x45 - inches
To The Waters
Charcoal and conte on Paper
39x45 - inches
And The Wild
Charcoal and conte on Paper
With A Faerie
Charcoal and conte on Paper
39x45 - inches
Hand In Hand
Charcoal and conte on Paper
39x45 - inches
For The World's
Charcoal and conte on Paper
39x45 - inches
More Full Of Weeping
Charcoal and conte on Paper
39x45 - inches
Than You Can Understand
Charcoal and conte on Paper
39x45 - inches

References to time form undercurrents in much of my work - cyclical and paused, geological and momentary, lost and seized, contemplative and purchased.

The series titled REMAINS is a suite of nine drawings combining the refrain from W. B. Yeats’ poem The Stolen Child with landscape views from the west of Ireland; places simultaneously indomitable, immediate and remote, yielding in their seeming barrenness, geological evidence of their own making, and in the prevailing North Atlantic climate, creating ecosystems of exotic beauty. Places that remain as both witness and evidence; site and metaphor, for endurance. Places that, in writer and cartographer, Tim Robinson’s words, are “Pillars of Eternity, at first glance, majestic features of the landscape…but to the eyes of geology, they are provisional arrangements or overhasty conclusions soon to be undone by tremendous reconsiderations, while according to fireside tales they are the Devil’s work".

The medium is charcoal and conte on arches hot-press paper. Each drawing measures 94cm x 114cm. The series may be installed in variable juxtapositions.